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Things to do in Krakow most popular with visitors. 


Idling in the Old Town's central square

The central square of Krakow, Rynek Glowny, the biggest piazza of medieval Europe, remains one of the world’s most beautiful plazas. Visitors just love to hang around the vast square: sipping coffee at pavement cafes, dining out in its numerous restaurants, enjoying alfresco performances, etc. Also a number of city's attractions is to be found here, including five museums and such landmarks as Saint Mary's Church, the Cloth Hall, and the Town Hall Tower. And last but not least the Krakow Christmas Market and the Easter Market take place here as well as other seasonal markets such as the mid-August Folk Art Far.

Krakow's basilica of the Virgin Mary at the Rynek Glowny grand square
Sightseeing tours of Krakow
The best way to enjoy the city is touring Krakow on foot but those who opt for seeing it on wheels may choose from many available options, from a carriage to a bicycle to a bus. Most of the popular sights are concentrated in the Old Town and the nearby Kazimierz area but some of the most interesting places such as the Tyniec Abbey, the Bielany Monastery, or St. Norbert's Convent - to name just a few of them - sit farther afield.

Collegium Maius in Krakow

Wawel: the Royal Castle and the Krakow Cathedral
The Wawel Hill, located on the southern edge of the Old Town central district, is a top item of all lists of the must-visit places in Krakow. The Wawel Royal Castle, which was home to three dynasties of Poland's monarchs in the past, offers five permanent exhibitions as well as other attractions such as the Dragon Cave. The Wawel Cathedral, a monument of Gothic architecture crammed with art treasures, boasts also the Royal Crypts and the giant ancient Zygmunt bell.

Wawel Hill, Krakow's Acropolis

Visiting the basilica of the Virgin Mary's
The immense Gothic church of the 14th century, situated in the heart of Krakow, is Poland's most popular temple. It nave shelters the Stoss altarpiece, the world's greatest Gothic sculpture, among its many excellent works of art. The taller of two church towers contains the upstairs room from which trumpeters play the famous Krakow hejnal bugle call.

Veit Stoss Altar

The Wieliczka Salt Mine
Millions of visitors, the crowned heads and such celebrities as Goethe and Sarah Bernhardt among them, have enthused over that subterranean world of labyrinthine passages, giant caverns, underground lakes and chapels with sculptures in the crystalline salt and rich ornamentation carved in the salt rock. The last 900 years, when the Wieliczka Salt Mine has been worked, produced 200 kilometers of passages as well as 2,040 caverns of varied size.

St. Kinga chapel in the Wieliczka salt mine

The Kazimierz historic district
In the Middle Ages Kazimierz was a separate, rival city situated next to Krakow. Small part of it was turned into a Jewish Quarter, the safe haven for Jews from every corner of Europe till the 20th century and a major center of the Diaspora, which attracts now many tourists. It's a pity some visitors overlook other sights of Kazimierz, notably the Skalka Sanctuary. Since the late 1990s the Kazimierz area has become fashionable also for its nightspots.


Krakow's Old Synagogue at the Jewish quarter of Kazimierz historic district  
Day trips
Krakow is the gateway to the entire Malopolska Province, the most attractive region of Poland. Everybody heard of the notorious German Nazi Camp of Auschwitz in the city of Oswiecim, some 70 kilometers west of Krakow. Other top destinations are e Wieliczka Salt Mine, Tatra Mountains, and Ojcow National Park.

 Morskie Oko lake in the Tatra Mountains, Poland 


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