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Easter market in Krakow

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Easter narket in Krakow

Traditional Easter markets in Krakow, Poland.

Every year the traditional Easter market takes place on the Rynek Glowny central square of Krakow’s Old Town historic district. It starts ten to fourteen days prior to Easter Sunday, lasts throughout Holy Week, and ends on Easter Monday night. Several dozen stalls sell various Easter essentials, decorations, assorted handicrafts, and foods.

In 2023 the Easter market in Rynek Glowny central square takes place from March 30th through April 10th with stalls open from 10 am to 9 pm.     


Goods available at the Krakow Easter markets.

Stalls of the Easter market on the Krakow central square overflow with affordable merchandise, mostly miscellaneous decorations traditionally associated with the festival. In Poland eggs are particularly emblematic of Easter, notably in the form of colorful ‘pisanka’ – brightly painted and richly ornamented. So egg-shaped decorations, usually made of either of wood or ceramics, remain most popular items.

Pisanki decorations at Easter Market

Close second as the symbol of Easter is the lamb. Unlike pagan-smacking eggs, the lamb represents Christian values being an emblem of Jesus Christ. An eatable figure of a lamb – those larger made of pastry or the smaller ones of sugar – on the dining table is a must at every Polish home at Easter.

Other popular seasonal decorations are bunnies, yellow chicks, and hens.

As other markets on the central square of Krakow, the Easter one is a good occasion for purchasing handicrafts. Colorful pottery usually predominates but there is no shortage of sundry other arts and crafts as well.

handicrafts at Krakow Easter market

Some stands trade in foodstuffs of independent producers. Most conspicuous are sweets, more or less exotic: fancy-shaped chocolates, ornamental gingerbread cookies, variously spiced nuts of all sorts, etc. At the same time, gourmets may get traditional products no supermarket dares to sell, such as farmhouse loafs, village cheeses and cured meats. And anybody hungry enough can enjoy simple meals, takeaways, and sandwiches.

Amusements at the Easter market in Krakow.

On the day of the official opening of the Easter market a couple of folk bands perform village tunes, songs, and dances. Gigs may happen sporadically also on other dates. On Palm Sunday, one week before Easter, the contest of Easter “palms” takes place with a parade and live performances in the early afternoon. Before noon on Holy Saturday there is an exhibition of traditional Easter foods from various regions of Poland. On Easter Monday the “Siuda Baba” folk pageant goes on.


As regards everyday attractions, usually some craftsman – a blacksmith, a potter, a wood carver, etc. – demonstrates his/her skills to encourage sales.

Easter in Krakow

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