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Krakow: General Data: 

Geography, Weather, Local Government, Economy, History, Culture, Money, Environment, Wildlife, Malopolska Province,

Krakow's location

Krakow Geography

Krakow lies in the very center of continental Europe, i.e. roughly halfway between the westernmost Lisbon in Portugal and the easternmost Urals, and equidistant from the Mediterranean and the arctic Barents Sea. Krakow, with its 750,000 or so citizens, is Poland’s second largest city and the unquestioned metropolis of its southern half. The city’s area of 326.8 sq. kilometers (0.1% of Poland’s territory) spreads on both banks of the Vistula river, some 219 meters above the sea level. 
More on Krakow geography


Weather in Krakow 

Krakow enjoys a temperate climate with features of both European marine west coast and more severe continental conditions of Eastern Europe. "Days are longest in June, hottest in July, and most beautiful in August” – an old Polish poem says. On the other hand, Krakow’s perfect springs fill the city with sweet-smelling blossoms from mid April through May. While the famed Polish “golden autumns” bring dry and warm weather amid rich colors of dying leaves from mid September to mid October or so. And Christmas in Krakow is positively white. 
More on weather in Krakow

Local Government of Krakow 

Krakow is the capital of the Malopolska wojewodztwo, one of the most prominent provinces among the country’s 16. As in the case of other major Polish cities, Krakow’s local government is county and commune rolled into one municipality. The legislative City Council numbers 43 members, voted in every four years in a popular ballot by way of proportional representation. The executive powers lie with Krakow's mayor, called the president of the city (prezydent miasta), elected by the citizens for a four-year tenure. 
More on Krakow's local government

Krakow's Economy 

The high-tech gets high profile by day in Krakow. The city boasts Poland’s first and third most-visited internet portals. It can boasts a special economic zone (Krakow Technological Park, meant for major high-tech investments) with the Motorola’s European R&D center, 4 enterprise incubators, 3 commercial-fair grounds, 7 higher economics schools. 
More on the Krakow economy

making of the Sigismund bell in Krakow, painted by Jan Matejko

History of Krakow

In 1000 Krakow got its own bishop, and in 1038 the city became Poland’s capital. Krakow’s Golden Age came by the end of the 15th century when it was the thriving metropolis of a vast and prosperous kingdom stretching from the Black Sea to the Baltic Sea. 
More on Krakow's history

Culture in Krakow

Culture has always been all-important in Krakow. 
More on the culture in Krakow

Money in Krakow

Poland's currency is zloty (PLN). It is divided into one hundred smaller units called grosz (abbreviation gr).

More on the money in Krakow

Krakow's Environment 

In the past ten years every part of Krakow managed to meet the air-quality standards. For instance, fine particulate matter stayed within the range between 46 percent and 78 percent of the acceptable concentration most of the year. And the sulfur dioxide, responsible for acid rain, stayed in Krakow’s central Grand Square at half the level UNESCO allows for its World Heritage Sites
More on the ecology in Krakow

nest with eggs, Krakow

Wildlife in Krakow 

There is a number of wildlife preserves within the city limits, established mostly for the protection of endangered flora species. The 21.5 sq. km Ojcow National Park lies just 24 km northwest of Krakow. Larger woodlands, the 27,000-acre Puszcza Niepolomicka, stretch some 25 km east from the city center. The forest bison, zubr, reintroduced to the area in 1936, roam that remnant of Poland’s primeval forests among its rich fauna. While stray deer or roe, to say nothing of fox, can be seen occasionally anywhere in Krakow’s outskirts. 
More on wildlife in Krakow

Basic Krakow info for visitors coming to Krakowont>

nation, geography, climate, wildlife, visitors, currency.

Malopolska Province

Krakow's Transport
How to move about the city.

Travel to Krakow

In the proximity of Krakow
Krakow is Poland's tourist mecca, and also a gateway to many other must-see sites in the region.

Dining guide

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Real estate in Krakow


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