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Krakow Zoo 

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Krakow Zoo

Krakow's Zoological Garden 

Krakow’s compact zoo – "Krakowski Ogrod Zoologiczny" in Polish – is situated amidst the vast 500-hectare Las Wolski forest, turned to municipal park in 1917, some ten kilometers west of the city’s central Old Town historic district and 126 meters higher, i.e. 345 meters above sea level, near the top of the Pustelnik hill. 


Krakow Zoo’s seventeen hectares accommodate over 1400 animals, in that number some 600 birds and 400 mammals, representing 285 species, 32 of them on the verge of extinction and 88 endangered. Its most prized possessions include herds of pygmy hippopotamus and Przewalski horses, Somali wild ass, Pere David's deer, barasingha, South American tapir, white camel, South American sea lions, several species of wild cats, rare antelopes, such as addax, eastern bongo and waterbuck.

The Reptile House on the zoo’s premises features dwarf caimans, lizards, turtles, snakes, amphibians, invertebrates and exotic fish.

Krakow’s zoological garden has succeeded in breeding in captivity – among others – Andean condor, the maned wolf, snow leopards, Chinese leopards, jaguars, fennec foxes, caracal lynxes, European wild cats, northern lynxes, ground cuscuses, black mangabeys, chimpanzees, lar gibbons, and common marmosets. It can boast regular hatches of steppe eagles, white cockatoo, blue-and-yellow macaw, and Grey parrot.

Krakow Zoo was opened in 1929. 

Public transport 
City bus line 134 links Krakow Zoo with the downtown. Buses leave from the stop at Kaluzy street next to the Hotel Cracovia every 30 minutes on weekdays and every 15 minutes on summer Sundays and holidays. 

Krakow Zoo’s opening hours: 

Winter 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Spring and autumn 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Summer 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

A regular ticket costs 18 zlotys (PLN) and the reduced rate is 10 zloty. 

Postal address: Krakowski Ogrod Zoologiczny, al. Kasy Oszczednosciowej Miasta Krakowa 14, 30-232 Krakow, Poland. 


Ojcow National Park

With its mere 21.5 sq. km it may be the smallest of Poland’s twenty national parks, but the Ojcow National Park ranks among the most attractive recreational areas in Europe, and it is just a 15 minutes’ drive–i.e. 24 km–northwest of Krakow.

Botanical Garden in Krakow

Downtown green oasis boasts some 5,000 plant species.

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Krakow's Blonia Commons
A vast expanse of grassland in downtown Krakow, called Blonia, is protected by law as the national heritage.

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