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Easter narket in Krakow 

Seasonal markets in Krakow

Besides well-known Christmas market, a number of other temporary markets and fairs take place in Krakow every year. Usually their stalls mushroom in Rynek Glowny central square or the nearby Maly Rynek square (situated one block east from the vast main piazza of the Krakow historical center) but some markets happen elsewhere. They go on for a week or two except the Christmas market which starts in the end of November and continues throughout December. Typically, most stands sell varied arts and crafts. Also traditional foods such as bread and cured meats and sweets are on sale. The organizers often try to provide some extra attractions as well, such as live gigs and shows. The markets mostly take places repeatedly at the same time of the year and in the same place.   


Most popular seasonal markets in Krakow.  

Christmas market in Krakow

Christmas market. It usually starts on the last Friday of November and goes on in Rynek Glowny central square till December 26th though it’s often prolonged and ends December 31st or sometimes even January 6th.

Pisanki decorations at Easter Market

Easter market. It takes place in Rynek Glowny central square for some ten days immediately preceding Easter Sunday and sometimes goes on also on Easter Monday.

Krakow's August folk festival

International Folk Art Fair. The market selling mostly  traditional village crafts and arts – embroidery, pottery, painting, iron, metalwork, woodcarving, etc. – goes on in Rynek Glowny central square for two weeks in mid-August.


Other popular seasonal markets in Krakow. 

Advent Market, Krakow’s secondary Christmas market, takes place in Plac Nowaka-Jezioranskiego square in front of Galeria Krakowska shopping mall throughout December and is often prolonged till January 6th.

Saint Michael market is organized in Maly Rynek square in the last week of September.

Crafts Fair (Targi Rzemiosla), selling local crafts and arts, usually last in Rynek Glowny central square for a week in mid-May.

Cultural Borderlands Market goes on in Maly Rynek square for ten days in the first half of October .

Shopping in Krakow

The city’s central Old Town historic district, turned into a pedestrian precinct, teems with stores of all sorts.

Christmas market in Krakow

Easter market in Krakow

Krakow souvenirs

Buying amber in Krakow

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