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Maria Magdalena square in Krakow

Enjoying life in Krakow to the full.

Some visitors, notably the business types, find life in Krakow unnervingly relaxed for a million agglomeration. And the city center, with the huge medieval Grand Square still at its heart, has about it almost small-town atmosphere off season where most people appear to know each other and they are never too busy for a chat. Matter-of-fact as they are in their work habits, and while family and family life remain most dear to them, Krakow dwellers generally relish good company, good food, and having plenty of free time. And humor seems a permanent feature of the city that has always praised highly jesters and comedians despite its reputation of the country’s bastion of sobriety. Yet it is culture that seems all-important in Krakow with its many museums, innumerable national treasures, splendid theaters, glorious university, and plethora of intellectuals. Besides, like it or not, also the Krakow thriftiness is legendary in Poland, and not without reason. 


Eating the Krakow Way
The Polish daily diet of choice has been traditionally rich in proteins and even richer in starch. On the Krakow tables the former usually materializes in red meat, eggs, cheese, and sausages, whereas the latter as bread, potatoes, and various noodles, pies and dumplings. There are three main meals in Poland: the morning sniadanie (breakfast), the afternoon obiad (dinner), and the evening kolacja (supper). In between they may be supplemented with a lighter drugie sniadanie (second breakfast) and a podwieczorek (tea). 
More on the Krakow diet

Drinking the Krakow Way 
Tea is Krakow's everyday drink, while coffee gives stimulus and sipping it in company often has social function. Polish vodka remains the traditional booze, yet beer has recently become more popular. 
More on the Krakow beverages

Krakow's Culture 
Krakow is Poland’s cultural capital. The city boasts the best museums in the country and some best theaters. It is also home to one of the world’s oldest and most distinguished universities. No wonder Krakow was named a European City of Culture in 2000. 
More on the Krakow culture

Krakow's Churches 
Krakow’s abundance of magnificent churches earned the city a reputation of “the Northern Rome” in the past. They have remained the centers of spiritual life till now, attended throughout the week and crowded on Sundays. 
More on churches in Krakow

Music in Krakow 
The city resounds with music of every kind. Its lively club scene is divided between hip-hop, house, funky, techno, traditional rock and still more traditional jazz. And demanding audience may choose among frequent concerts and recitals of classical music. 
More on Krakow's music

Polish phrasebook
Polish words and phrases useful to visitors to Krakow. 
See handy expressions in Polish 

Lajkonik parade
Krakow Festivals
Hardly a month passes in Krakow without some time-honored occasion for common festivities or colorful ceremony. Krakow residents have their own unique way of celebrating
Christmas, carnival, Easter etc. The city is also famous in Poland for its many spectacular festivals unknown elsewhere, such as the wild Lajkonik parade (see the picture above). 
More on Krakow's festivals 

Krakow Restaurants 
Krakow has always been Poland’s gourmet Mecca. And the recent decade brought about a genuine restaurant explosion all over the city owing to the hectic efforts of aspiring restaurateurs–native ones as well as immigrants. The Old Town historic district seems virtually stuffed with establishments catering to all kinds of diners.  
waiter in Krakow

More on Krakow’s restaurants

Krakow Nightlife 
There is no shortage of places to drink, eat, and stay merry late into the night in Krakow. 
More on Krakow nightlife

Shopping in Krakow
From designer garb to jewelry, and from antiques to books and CDs–Krakow’s central Old Town historic district, turned into a pedestrian precinct, teems with stores of all sorts, crammed into every available space.  
More on shopping in Krakow

Sport in Krakow 
As in the rest of Europe, soccer is the favorite sport of Krakow residents, at least the male half: the young play it, grown-ups watch it on TV. Hiking remains the most popular outdoor activity:
the city abounds in fine jogging paths but few natives take advantage of it. Also bikeways crisscrossing metropolitan Krakow and its
environs seem mostly underused. 
More on Krakow sports

Krakow Folk Traditions
Krakow region has always been rich in colorful folk traditions, handed down from generation to generation, with almost every village cultivating its own set of time-honored customs. Nowadays, as new lifestyles spread, some ancient practices are dead but many flourish. 
More on the Krakow folk traditions

Krakow Theater
Krakow features prominently on the theater map of Europe. Its legendary National Stary Theater counts among the continent’s best companies of players. As the rest of the city's repertory theaters it runs several playhouses of varied capacity. 
More on Krakow theaters


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