What Duty-frees you may bring in to Poland.
Poland is the European Union’s member state any
goods from the EU are exempt from customs duties. Excise
duties are a different story. EU directives clamp them on
fuels, alcohol, tobacco products, and perfumes, and Poland
in its own right extends the list further to an array of
products, from cars to playing cards. Some of those
commodities are subject to duty-free allowances, some are
not. And, again, when the allowances do apply, duty-free
quotas are different for goods brought from the other EU
countries and from the rest of the world.
Duty-free allowances of alcohol.
From the other countries of the European Union visitors are
allowed to bring in to Poland up to ten liters of duty-free
strong liquors such as vodka or whisky and twenty liters of
alcoholic drinks such as liqueur or port. Also, free of
duties are 90 liters of EU wines (including 60 liters of
sparkling wine) and as much as 110 liters of beer.
As regards alcohol brought to Poland from non-EU countries,
duty-free allowances are one liter of strong liquors, two
liters of alcoholic drinks, two liters of wine, and five
liters of beer.
Duty-free tobacco products.
Allowances of tobacco from the EU cover 800 cigarettes, 200
cigars, and one kilogram of pipe tobacco. From outside the
EU one may legally bring either 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars
or 0.25 kilogram of pipe tobacco without paying duties.
How much perfume you don't need to declare.
In general, perfumes and toilet waters brought in to Poland from
the rest of the EU in personal luggage are exempt from duties as
long as the quantity seems justified for personal use.
Duty-free allowance of perfumes brought from outside the EU is
50 milliliters (1.7 fluid ounce), and 250 milliliters of eau de
Other goods.
As regards other goodies you want to stuff your baggage with and
bring in to Krakow, they are exempt from duties as long as they
come directly from EU countries. Otherwise, their combined value
cannot exceed 175 euro or 90 euro in case of minors (i.e.
visitors under 18).
Click here for more Krakow tips.

Krakow, Poland
Basic Krakow info for visitors
Taxes in Poland
Shopping in Krakow
Gift Ideas
Make everybody happy back home with a souvenir from
Krakow Galleries
Enrich yourself with a first-rate work of art at a very
reasonable price.
Krakow Foodstuffs
Tips on getting Krakow's bread and butter as well as
other dairy products, fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, etc.