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Krakow the City of Literature

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Krakow the City of Literature
In Krakow literature has long been central. Quite literally: at the very heart of the city, in the middle of the Rynek Glowny main square, there stands a grand monument to poet Adam Mickiewicz, marking the center of the Krakow universe. Maybe it wasn’t exactly the intention of its 19th-century originators but the statue of Poland’s national bard symbolizes the significance of literature for Krakow. On the other hand, the importance of Krakow for literature is greater by far.

In 2013 UNESCO has designated Krakow as the City of Literature in recognition of its literary credentials.

Literature in Krakow.
The city has produced countless writers of course. What counts is that quite a few of them made history of literature. Alas, owing to poor knowledge of the Polish language among foreigners they stay obscure abroad, the 1996 Nobel Laureate Wislawa Szymborska possibly being an exception. Although, as a matter of fact, one of the greatest English novelists ever was a native of Krakow: Jozef Korzeniowski aka Joseph Conrad.
Over 3,000 book titles are published in Krakow every year by hundreds of publishing houses active in the city, including the country’s leaders in the business. So little wonder that Krakow is also home to Poland’s biggest and most important book fair.
Each year up to thirty literary festivals take place in Krakow, two most notable being the Czeslaw Milosz Festival in May and the Joseph Conrad Festival in October.

picture from Baltazar Behem's codex of 1505

Krakow Festivals
Hardly a month passes in Krakow without some time-honored occasion for common festivities or colorful ceremony.

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