Lost property: when in
To lose is human but not
every missing possession is gone for good. Things left
behind someplace in Krakow often wait quite long untouched.
It happens to sunglasses and umbrellas as well as
smartphones and camcorders (even money in some cases,
however miraculous it may sound). So, as soon as you realize
your loss, go back and retrace your steps. There is a chance
that you'll be able to recover the belongings you
accidentally parted with.
Leave no stone unturned: ask
the driver of the bus, the manager in the
restaurant, a desk clerk in the
hotel, and the salesperson in the
shop. The staff commonly act as customary
custodians of unattended property found on the premises.
In the last resort one
should check with the city’s several lost property offices
(see the contact info below). Patience is required because
it often takes considerable time – at best days and usually
weeks and months – before an ownerless object of any worth
makes its way to one of those establishments, notably when
channeled via the police.
The country’s law makes it a criminal offence in
to appropriate abandoned property so you'd best don’t touch
anything unless it belongs to you.
Lost and found property
There are a number of places
in Krakow that may keep your missing belongings and even a
bursting wallet. Separate lost property offices (biuro
rzeczy znalezionych) are run by the Krakow county and the
city’s local
government in addition to suchlike establishments
attached to various providers of
public transport. All have to keep unclaimed
property in their care for two years at least. Even though
these days cell phones top the inventories of Krakow’s lost
and found, they include movables of all kinds: from musical
instruments to suitcases to wheelchairs.
List of lost property offices in Krakow
City of Krakow. Address:
Biuro Rzeczy Znalezionych Urzedu Miasta Krakowa, ul.
Wielicka 28, pok. 114. Phone (+48) 126165713. Open on
weekdays from 7:40 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
County of Krakow.
Address: Powiatowe Biuro Rzeczy Znalezionych, al.
Slowackiego 20, pok. 107 A. Phone (+48) 126336526.
Krakow airport. Address: Miedzynarodowy Port
Lotniczy im. Jana Pawla II, Krakow-Balice, Biuro
Zaginionego Bagazu. Phone (+48) 122855121.
Municipal public
transport (MPK). Address: Miejskie Przedsiebiorstwo
Komunikacyjne w Krakowie, Biuro Rzeczy Znalezionych, ul.
Brozka 3. Phone (+48) 122541150. Opena on weekdays from
6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Long distance buses PKS.
Address: Biuro Przewozow Pasazerskich PKS. Phone (+48)
124117022 ext. 430. Or the dispatcher in Krakow, phone
(+48) 124114169.
and rail stations. Address:
Dworzec Glowny
Krakow. Phone (+48) 123935529. Open from 5 a.m. to 11 p.m.
In the case of property lost
aboard long-distance trains the owner should check with the
lost and found at Warsaw’s central rail station. Address:
Biuro Rzeczy Znalezionych, Dworzec Warszawa Centralna. Phone
(+48) 224745092.
Regrettably there is always a risk that you won’t be able to
reach anybody speaking good English.

Krakow online information services
Krakow in Poland
Hotels in Krakow
Krakow lodgings guide
Hostels in Krakow
Holiday apartments in Krakow
Good restaurants in Krakow
Shopping in Krakow
tours and day-trips
the city and the Malopolska region.
Public transport in Krakow
Take advantage
of the city's transport system.
Travel to Krakow
By plane, by bus, by train, by